Animated Video Production Brings Your Website to Life

At Geek Certified we know that we can improve your bottom line by adding animated videos to your website. We’ve been in the business for years. Our animated video production team works quickly and efficiently. You’ll be amazed at the minimal cost encountered in adding this dynamic element to your website marketing program. Because more than 60% of people are visual learners, video animation on your website becomes an effective tool for introducing or explaining your product. Studies have shown that having a video on your landing page can increase conversions dramatically, as much as 80%. Furthermore we know that about 30% of online activity is spent watching videos. Why not capitalize on these facts and take advantage of our expert video animation services. You’ll be pleased you did.

Trust Our Animation Services for the Production of Commercials

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Production of commercials for online use is one of our special skill sets. Our respected CEO Scott William Wilson has been in the business of website enhancement for over 20 years. He’s an international leader in the field and knows how to get his customers onto page one of Google and how to create effective websites. Videos with talking heads are a dime a dozen and often tedious. We find that adding a unique video animation online is an effective way to have potential customers consider your product or service more seriously. You need engagement when customers click onto your website. The animation services at Geek Certified can provide that element.

Visual information is absorbed more quickly than text. Why not take advantage of that fact in your online marketing by using video animation. It will add an attractive new element to your online presence? Animation videos allow you to present complex aspects of your service or product in a simplified manner. The visual aspect of such presentations drive home the information or message you wish to communicate. So when you want to up your game and capture a larger share of your market give Scott a call at 289-259-8059. Before you know it the team at will have you up and running with a more dynamic and effective animated website.