You May Need an eCommerce Plugin to Effectively Access an eCommerce Business Website

Once upon a time there was a man who owned store. In it he had a great product and service to sell but no customers shadows graced his doorway.  Each day, ALL day, he waited for customers to drop by his bricks and mortar store to purchase his goods.  He spent a lot of time waiting to meet a customer and make a sale. And the few customers who dropped by loved the goods he was selling and praised the merits of his fine products.  But with very few paying customers he became exceedingly despondent. He could not pay his bills or feed his family as no one made their way to his store. He thought he was going to have to close his shop and find another livelihood.

Then one day, a young man came by and realizing the sad and unsuccessful position of our store owner suggested that an eCommerce website with a few eCommerce plugins would improve his sales and allow him to be more successful.

The young lad talked a strange language. Words and phrases like SEO for eCommerce, Online POS, SEO website and eCommerce for business just rolled off his tongue as if it was his native language.  The old man, a curious soul, wanted to know more about this new way of doing business and he offered the young lad a cup of tea and they talked.   He told the store owner about that worked with retailers to create an eCommerce business website that could revolutionize the way he did business with an SEO website and customized eCommerce plugins designed specifically for his business.

It wasn’t long before the old man realized that his bricks and mortar business model was old fashioned, ineffective. It was starving himself and his family to death. He decided to take the young lad’s advice and establish an eCommerce business as quickly as possible and reap the rewards of having customers from all over the world find and purchase his products.

At Geek Certified We Can Create a Website to Generate New Business

Turns out, the young visitor was one of those modern whiz kids who think and talk computer tech all the time.  He suggested that the expert team at could provide the old store keeper with all the help he needed to join the modern way of doing business.  It wasn’t long before our old man was on the phone to the friendly folks at Geek Certified at 289.259.8059 talking about setting up an eCommerce business that was going to bring him customers for his fine products 24/7 from right around the world.  And if he had any problems once his site had been created, all he needed to do was contact them at and their support team would be right on it. After all, he didn’t know much about this eCommerce business world and thought he might need some support.

It wasn’t long before he had his eCommerce website up and running.  With the help and guidance of the experienced Geek Certified team he was established with an online presence that he had never dreamed of.  How were his new customers from around the world going to pay him he wondered?  Well, it wasn’t long before he was set up with an online POS or point of sale so he could start doing business and taking payment for the very fine products that he sold to people he had never met from the far corners of the world.  And as his eCommerce business grew on his eCommerce website with eCommerce plugins that made it easier for people to order his products and some extra online articles to describe his business, or as they call it in the trade SEO for eCommerce.  It wasn’t long before he was enjoying more sales than he could ever have imagined. 

At Geek Certified We Provide Customized eCommerce Plugins to Support Your Business

At Geek Certified we offer our customers a wide variety of eCommerce plugins that are exclusive to our client base.  These eCommerce plugins are developed to bring the best of eCommerce business to your SEO website and writing.  These plugins provide our clients with the perfect tools to achieve success in a difficult and competitive online marketplace.  Our eCommerce plugins tie in and work seamlessly with an assortment of custom themes which are also exclusive to our clients.

Our eCommerce plugins are designed by SEO experts and coded by experienced professionals.  They are engineered to bring our clients the highest levels of success and provide them with all the tools they need in order to create a platform to sell a variety of goods.

Our goal is to provide our valued clients with an easy process that makes creating, launching and optimizing their website simple and successful….just as we did for the gentleman with the bricks and mortar store.