Speaking Engagements by One of Canada’s Leading Internet Strategists

Scott William Wilson, CEO of Geek Certified, has been an international leader in Internet marketing strategies for over 15 years. As a keynote speaking consultant, trainer, and Internet strategist he’s in demand as a workshop presenter and for speaker engagements from Hanoi to Halifax, from Missouri to Manitoba locations where he’s made presentations recently. Scott’s had his hand in developing effective Internet marketing programs for over 1000 businesses worldwide.

Scott’s recognized authority in the realm of internet marketing often finds him speaking for SEOs recent developments that continue to alter the way potential customers find their way to your website. Google has recognized Scott’s influence in the field based on his speaking engagements.  Along with a few other Internet strategists Scott has been invited to attend the exclusive Google Partners Summit in Mountainview California. Here, Google engineers and Internet visionaries from around the world consider the dynamic future of online marketing. So if you want to book a speaking engagement with one of the best SEO speaking consultants in the business, contact Scott at Geek Certified, 289-259-8059 or info@geekcertified.com.

Book a Speaker Engagement with a Remarkable Expert

One of the most popular topics at Scott’s speaker engagements is his no holds barred reveal all “Three Important Secrets of Internet Marketing”.  If you get these three items right you can have online sales such as you only dreamed of. As a renowned and powerful speaking consultant Scott will tell you the following:

1. Earn Google’s trust. This talk will tell you how to gain the trust of Google and then watch your website ranking soar.

2. Your Material must be easy for Google to read. There are over 1.7 billion websites on the World Wide Web.  There are 3.5 billion Google searches every day. We can help you organize your web formats and styles so that Google can scan and load information from your site if it reads easily and is acceptable.

3.Laser focus for your content. Book Scott for an Internet or SEO speaker engagement and he’ll show you how to focus information so that Google will accept and rank it. Unfocused content with too many issues will not read well to Google and you’ll lose that important connection.

Scott loves speaking engagements. He loves showing clients how to grow their business with some easy and inexpensive steps. He’s in great demand for his informed and energetic approach to a variety of topics related to running a successful online retail operation.  Don’t hesitate to get to get in touch with one of the leading Internet marketing speakers on the continent. We’re as close at 289-259-8059 or info@geekcertified.com.