Why Use Videos for Website Marketing?

Social media is continually changing the way we communicate and consume information. One of those changes is the way that videos have come to play a larger and larger role on social media platforms and websites. It seems that consumer’s attention spans are shorter and shorter as time passes and video marketing delivers your message effectively in a shorter amount of time.  A short marketing video often also connects with he viewer on an emotional and auditory level that is hard to do with text.

And when you consider that viewers retain over 80% of the content they see on a video and something in the order of 15% when reading it in text you can see why videos are important elements on your website. “Social Media Today” also reports that over 75% of professional Internet marketers use videos to increase brand awareness and sales. Video production and high quality video editing should be an important part of your online presence. You don’t want to be left behind in this serious marketing trend.

When it’s time to make your move and catch up with the world of online video marketing you need to give Geek Certified a call at 289-259-8059.  We offer high quality video services which include video production and video editing services that will bring your website up to speed and improve sales.

Already Have Videos Online? Web Video Editing Is Our Specialty

Perhaps you already have a strong video presence on line but your product has been tweaked or changed and your videos are out of date or stale.  We can use that video material and lay on some high quality video editing using cutting edge techniques that will refresh and refocus your present material. Here are some of the things that our excellent video editing services will provide for you with our professional video editing remake of your site.

  • Optimize your videos for mobile viewing. Nearly 50% of all video is watched on a mobile device.

  • Make certain your videos are short, under 2 minutes, and to the point.

  • Build curiosity through a series of videos by teasing the client to stay on your site

When our video editing services team has finished they’ll have added to the SEO quality which will drive more people to your site and lead to more conversions. They will have increased your brand exposure, allowed you to share new developments and set up a tracking system that will allow you to know more about your customer base.

Get in touch with us at or 289-259-8059 and we’ll get rolling on a high quality video editing remake of your website.