Is it Time to Upgrade Your Website With Video Testimonials?

Let’s face the facts on marketing and selling product.  You have a website and so does everyone else. You have a great product or service and it’s imaged well on your website.  On your site you’ve answered all the questions about what you make, or what you do, and why you have the best product in the marketplace. You’ve even included written testimonials from satisfied customers to clinch the deal…But, you’re looking for the next step to up your game to grab more market share and move to the next level.  At Geek Certified we can take you there with effective customer testimonial videos provided by our video testimonial service.

What do we know about video testimonials?  Here are some of the facts:

  • Using the term “video’ boosts opening rates by 19% and click-through rates by 65%
  • Once on your site, many customers look for testimonials to evaluate your product. Video testimonials are a dynamic way to capture attention
  • 65% of potential customers are visual learners (WebDAM). A testimonial video example  of customer satisfaction increases the level of trust and credibility in your product
  • ComScore tells us that visitors to your website are 64% more likely to buy a product or service online after watching a video testimonial
  • Studies report that customers who view a testimonial video example stay about 2 minutes longer on your site than those who don’t view videos.
  • 90% of customers admit that their buying decisions are influenced by online customer testimonial videos
  • Potential customers are 63% more likely to purchase a product or service from a site if it has product ratings and reviews.  The best video testimonials increase that percentage.

Obviously the facts are in.  Video testimonials are good for business.  Take advantage of the dynamic and successful video testimonial service offered by Geek Certified and watch your numbers grow.

So…how powerful are the best video testimonials?

A positive customer testimonial video encourages other potential customers to trust your website and the product you are selling. Research by BrightLocal, a leading internet marketing research firm, suggests that 79% of online shoppers tend to trust online reviews as much as they do comments from relatives and friends.  Other research suggests that video testimonials lead to a dramatic increase in product conversion.  Based on the video testimonials more than 50% of potential customers move from doing research to making a purchase.

With so many companies selling their products online, Internet marketing has been forced to become more sophisticated and focused in order to achieve the desired results.  The successful video testimonial service offered by the SEO team at Geek Certified has had a dramatic impact on the sales results of many of our customers.  Get in touch with us and we’ll work with you to capture your rightful share in the dynamic and ever-changing marketplace.

The world of online shopping and selling has progressed by leaps and bounds in recent years and will continue to grow in the future.  In 2015 about 7.4% on retail sales were made online.  Projections suggest that figure will double to over 14% by 2020.  You don’t want to miss out on this growth.

So what do successful video testimonials look like?

  • Be brief, energetic and authentic. Ideally your customer testimonial video will be under 2 minutes. To be effective, often this time is split into three sections. Use 30 seconds to connect the viewer with the speaker.  Use the next 30 seconds to define their problem. The last 30 seconds indicates how your product or service helped to solve their problem.
  • Help your video presenter relax.  Outline the process for them, offer guidelines as to what to wear and what to say when the camera rolls.
  • Don’t use a script for your creative testimonial videos.  You’re looking for authenticity and a friendly sincere tone.  Set up a relaxed interview situation and keep the camera on. After a while you’ll have lots of excellent material to edit into your final video.
  • Try for a dramatic and clear cut opening that introduces your guest in a comfortable fashion.  If you can capture some action to add to the vitality of the video that’s great.
  • Don’t overwhelm the viewer with the minute details of your product.  Focus on the benefits provided and the problems that your product or service can resolve smoothly.
  • Keep the conversation rolling.  By encouraging your customer to talk comfortably about your product and how it impacted on their lives you’ll have plenty of material for an excellent first person story.  And our experienced team at our Geek Certified video testimonial service will help you polish the final product for the best impact.
  • Simplicity is your goal.  Not too many facts and details please. Don’t overwhelm your audience. 
  • Have some interesting camera angles or transitions to go along with the audio aspects of your video testimonial.  Two minutes of a talking head are not going to increase product sales dramatically.

Getting started with your customer testimonial videos.

Customer testimonials have changed the marketplace.  Who rents a hotel room or buys a car without checking to see what good or bad experiences others have had?  Testimonials have changed the way we, learn about products, the way we purchase things and the way businesses market their products.  We’re all influenced by the opinions of others to some extent and the phenomenon of ’social proof’ is a powerful factor in driving sales right across the board.

So get started.  You can begin shooting your videos on your phone but an increasingly sophisticated online shopper and the world of commerce almost demands a professional approach to creating your video testimonials.  And when you’re ready to move into the big leagues the Geek Certified team can support you all the way with its successful Video Testimonial Service.  Get in touch.  We’ll work together to step your business up a notch….or three.